Friday, April 10, 2009

National Math and Science Initiative

While I was watching the Master's on TV today, a commerical from Exxon came on talking about the National Math and Science Initiative (NMSI). I had seen a couple of these commercials before, but had never paid attention to what they were talking about. I decided to find out more information. I went to the website (see below), and watched the video and found out a lot of information. It is great to see that a company like Exxon is using their resources to make a difference and take action in the future of our country.
The goal of the NMSI is to "help America maintain its global leadership position in technological innovation" by providing students with the resources they need to be motivated and learn math and science. A major part of this is providing students with teachers who are dedicated to education and teaching math and science. In the video a contributer stated that "if we can provide quality teachers who can explain why a math problem is relevent to their life, then we can make a huge difference."
I agree with this viewpoint. People are always talking of making a difference in the future through the education of young people, and saying that kids are our future. This is a true claim, and it is motivating to see a company who has an influence taking an initiative in education.

"why a math problem is relevant to their world"

1 comment:

  1. Here is the link to the site:
